AOR heeft de kracht van de FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform) algoritme gebundeld in een
krachtige ontvanger die de gehele frequentie
range van 25 MHz ~ 3 GHz kan monitoren.
resultaat van de SR2000A is een compact
kleuren display scherm, dat modern is
vormgegeven, ongelooflijk snel is en zeer
simpel in gebruik.
De AOR 2000A kan perfect
ingezet worden voor zowel desktop als mobiel
gebruik met zijn 12Vdc aansluiting of in het
De FFT zoek functie heeft hoge snelheid
signaal monitoring, meer dan 10MHz
zoeken in 0.2 seconden! Using the built-in 5
inch TFT color display, it is easy to
monitor the clear, crisp images of received
signals. Up to 10 MHz of bandwidth can be
displayed in real time through advanced
Digital Signal Processing. The waterfall
display function tracks signals over time
and uses colors to define their strength.
High grade
front end delivers amazing stability
The SR2000 receiver module is a professional
grade triple conversion unit that delivers
amazing stability over a wide temperature
range, covering 25 MHz ~ 3 GHz. The
specially designed circuit enables high
linearity and clean IF output signal.
Breedband bereik
van (25MHz - 3GHz) in
The SR2000A is a digital monitor scope with a
built-in high grade front end for the
professional user. The digitally processed
IF signals of the RF unit are combined with
FFT technology enabling spectrum analysis
and high speed signal detection in real
time. In one compact unit, the SR2000
integrates a large color display with a
professional grade receiver blending high RF
technology with digital processing..
Easy-to-use control
The keys and single control dial on the
front panel of the SR2000A are designed to
enable maximum versatility and simple
operation. Monitored frequency and audio
gain can be adjusted simply by using the
main control dial. The SR2000A features 1,000 memory channels and 40 search bank memories
which can be easily be set up to suit your
individual monitoring requirements.